Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Naming Names

It's tempting to think that picking a name for the baby is one of the harder parts of the pregnancy, but after THIS pregnancy - I wouldn't tend to agree. But yet, it seems to be a huge responsibility..... this is the name they will have for life! Kids will tease them about it, they will have it written on the front of their desk at Kindergarten, they'll be trying it out with various boys' last names.....ok so our son won't be doing that..... but still - a huge decision.

My husband and I are lucky in that - our parenting methods and outlooks are very much in line. We don't tend to argue over how Madeline should be disciplined or if we were going to breastfeed - we sidestepped a lot of potential arguments because we agreed right away on how things should be done. (Even if the agreement was "We have no idea what we're doing anyway! ; ) But we couldn't be more different on naming our children. With Madeline I pulled out all of my favourite names I had been saving since adolescence. Ophelia, Portia, Yohanna... and all of them were rebuffed. We finally arrived at Madeline much by mistake and I felt fortunate that we ended up with something at least somewhat unique.....or so I thought until I met about 15 other Madelines her age. :(

When we found out we were pregnant again, I immediately started to try to indoctrinate my husband to be open to weirder names - so that we wouldn't run in to the "Madeline" situation again. Poppy, Lucious, Svetlana, Bjorn...... and was 0 for 4. We had finally somewhat settled on Mila for a girl when....we found out we were having a boy! Lucious and Bjorn were out....so I tried a little more mainstream - Jonas, Liam, or Roman.

No luck.

So we're at a bit of an impasse. I'm at the halfway point now, so we still have time...but something about picking a boy name intimidates me. Maybe it's knowing it will never ever change - no new last name or anything. Or maybe it's just that it's a boy...

Do all couples have this much trouble?


The Carrels said...

We are having trouble finding a name that just grabs us and is 'it.' We aren't disagreeing with each others' favorites - although, Chris hasn't really come up with any of his own...

We were set on a boy's name, but since we're having a girl, we can't decide on anything...

Max's name came to me/us very late in my pregnancy with him...like 38 or 39 weeks...and we hadn't even really settled on it until he was born and in my arms. I have a feeling that the same will happen with Baby Girl...we shall see!

Leslie said...

Never fear, Erin, Laney was named 48 hours after she was born. They made us decide on a name or else we couldn't go home :) Jason then looked at the top 500 names through the social security registrar and started with # 400 (Delaney was was like 430 that year). We didn't think Ella was so common...HA on us, so we wanted something a little different for laney :)

It is such a tough decision because like you said, they are stuck with it! Jason and I tend to agree on names though so we are pretty lucky in that regard. With that being said, if we have a boy he wants Will (yes, Will Willett..insane!). The names for this baby have alwyas been the names we like.

something will certaintly come to you guys and if you are like us, it will come to you when it has to :)

Stephanie said...

It is really really hard! We have had girl names for a long time and Paul never comes up with any names on his own--its all me! Boy names are harder for me, I can't find many I like. You are not the only one. Its a big decision for sure.

Anonymous said...

I think boy names are harder! (Or maybe that is just because girl names are more fun?) We could only agree one on boy name--Beau--so when #2 was also a boy, we just turned to the grandpas and constructed Thomas David! :)

Good luck--I like Roman. I think that is cool!

Abby said...

I too like Roman- we talked about baby brother being named that but my husband had a bad Roman experience. You have good taste- I'm sure he will have a great name. It is fun though. We only had one that we agreed on with Beau and I wasn't all that excited about the name but I just felt like it was his name. Maybe you'll just run across a name and know.