Tuesday, August 11, 2009

What I love about my kids

I stole this idea from my friend Leslie I hope she doesn't mind!

What I love about my daughter:

I love the way you sleep on the floor every night. Guess we didn't need to buy you that toddler bed afterall!
I love the way you are remembering to say please and thank you consistently now
I love your crazy wavy hair
I love how much you love bugs and dirt and mowing and composting and your hermit crab
I love how most of your toys aren't toys at all, but household items you've latched onto
I love how much you love to be read to
I love how your favourite songs aren't children's songs
I love how much you love your Daddy. More so, I love how much your Daddy loves you - how he lights up when he sees you and takes such an active role in raising you.
I love that almost all of your favourite shows are on Public Access Stations. Some of which I used to watch at your age.
I love what a good eater you are. (most of the time)
I love how much you love your brother and constantly ask where he is if you can't see him.
I love your hysterical laugh when you are really really happy.
I love how easily you potty trained!
I love how you call one of your Grammas "Black Gramma" and the other "Blue Gramma"
I love how creative you are getting.
I love that you can identify the Mona Lisa and Big Ben.
I love how much you love your friends, and are constantly looking for Gabby as if she'll just appear if you wish hard enough.
I love how you ask me what's wrong if you hear me sniff.
I love that you're using prepositions now. "Mama, will you play wit' me?" Can't say no to that...
I love that a majority of the time you are a patient, obedient, sensitive child.

What I love about my son:

I love that we experienced a magical birth
I love that from almost the very beginning you were a smiley baby
I love that your sister makes you smile when no one else can
I love that my husband has a son
I love that you have found your thumb and it keeps you happy at night!
I love your little snort when you're really hungry
I love that you're hearty and healthy
I love our quiet nighttime nursings though I'll be equally happy when they pass : )
I love your thick fuzzy hair
I love your bright blue eyes and hope they stay that way!
I love when you fall asleep in my arms and we take little cat naps together

Being a stay at home mother of two is far from where I thought I'd be in my life at 28, but I couldn't be happier!


Leslie said...

Just perfect! What a great post and a nice way to remember those wonderful, lovable qualities on days that make it somewhat challenging :)

Dawn said...

Great post! Very sweet!