Monday, July 20, 2009

Baby of Mine

Madeline had a few friends over today to watch a movie in the theater. I didn't get any shots of them sitting in there together, but it was awful cute.....
Maxine chillin' on the blanket

Josie investigating what's going on.

Little baby Maggie spying on.....

....Max playing with Mr Potato Head

Baby Katie and Baby Jackson! Jackson was sporting one of his sister's old's a 3-6! Big boy.....
A fun and crazy time was had by all!!


Leslie said...

Look at all the cute babies! Maggie, Maxine, Katie and Jackson! They are all so big and healthy :) I bet the kids loved the theater (how could they not, right?).

What a fun time!

Emily said...

So did they watch the movie??? ;) All of the kids look like they had a great time!