Thursday, March 27, 2008

O Pioneers!

I am going to sound like the world's biggest SNOB....but I just don't know how the pioneers did it! Seriously... like, their children had sticks and rocks to play with. No Baby Einstein, no Sand and Water Tables, no miniature kitchens. (What would those have even looked like? Miniature hearths and fires? ha ha)

A little while back Steve and I purchased the above monitor. (Yay ebay!) Of course, as soon as we got it we were all, "How did we live before this???" It did stink to try to sneak into her room and check on her, sometimes hitting the deck so fast any Navy Admiral would have been proud. It's especially hard when she'll wake up and cry and you don't know if it's because she's stuck in the crib railing or because she just wants picked up. The first few nights we just stood and watched it forever! It's soooooooooooo nice to just have an "eye in the sky" to be able to tell what she's doing. I never knew that simply watching my baby sleep would enthrall me so much.

Sorry, pioneers - My Indian and I have it quite easy compared to you guys!

1 comment:

Emily said...

I always thought those video monitors were a little excessive before I had kids, but now I know how HARD it is to sneak into their rooms and check on them without them waking up. I have to admit that I LOL when I read your part about "hitting the deck" when you see them pop their little heads up, etc. I can admit to doing this more times than I care to admit. I am now quite jealous of your video monitor.