Tuesday, February 3, 2009

That funny little girl...

Lots of my friends have been posting cute things their children say and do....and I need to catch up with the crowd.

1. Madeline is obsessed with "helping." As you can see - she LOVES to wash the dishes. She also loves to vacuum, dust, and wash windows. I hope she continues to feel so generous with her time when she can actually help!

2. Madeline's become very "in tune" with people's emotions. This is especially true if she thinks someone is sad. She remarked once about a baby crying and I told her that when people cry it's nice to tell them that "it's okay." So now she'll ask Daddy or I to cry so that she can say "It's ok!" and make us feel better.

3. Ever since she was born I have told her that she is my special angel. About 3 weeks ago I was putting her in bed and before I could get it all out she said "Special Angel!" Then a few days ago I heard her tell RedBear (her lovey) that he was her Special Angel.

4. If she ever wakes up in the middle of the night or too early in the morning I remind her that everyone is asleep. Daddy's asleep, Mommy's asleep, Austin's asleep.... sometimes in the morning I hear her tell herself that "Mommy's sleeping, Daddy sleeping, Austino sleeping..."

5. A few months ago I started telling her when she asked for a "treat" that she could have ONE. (ONE chocolate chip, ONE baby marshmallow) So now she holds up one little finger when she wants something and says "One mama? One? One." Then she says "Don't ask anymore." (I gently remind her that if she gets a treat, she shouldn't ask again - apparently I do this more than I thought)


Stephanie said...

So cute! Josie and Madda seem very similar--Josie often tells her babies things we say to her. And she loves to help too. I do think the negotiating at this age is pretty cute, may not be in a couple years, but that one little finger is hard to say no to.

Emily said...

Those are so cute! I love that she told Red Bear he was her "special angel." That just warms my heart. She is such a sensitive little sweetie. I don't think I can teach Gabby "don't ask anymore" because she would be telling me that ALL DAY! "Mom, don't ask anymore about going potty. Mom, don't ask anymore to brush teef." I can just hear it now!

Pamela said...

so cute! I love all of the fun comments they make at this age.

Anonymous said...

When Daddy comes home from work she hugs me and then proceeds to tell me to take my coat off. If I am not fast enough she then begins to help!