Monday, June 2, 2008

You wouldn't believe it if you didn't see it!

Friday night, as many of you know, we had a horrible horrible storm. Steve and I were trying to enjoy a little telly an and kept getting interrupted by Jude Redfield. We plugged in our weather radio and started tracking the storm. It was moving through Plainfield but then moved north into Madison County. It got really bad around 10:00 and I decided we needed to take Madeline down to the basement. So all of us including the dogs hunkered down in the theater while Steve tried to glean information from the tidbits we were getting from our satellite. All the sudden a bunch of hail hit the house and it sounded like it was raining marbles! Madeline woke up a little bit. Mostly to say "dog" when she heard the dogs barking around us and "badu" when I snuggled her up in her blankets. We stayed down there for about 20 minutes and she went back down with no fuss.

Steve and I climbed back in bed and were trying to settle in for the night when we hear this horrific crack of thunder and a bolt of lightening. Next thing we know.....the house alarm was going off....and continued to go off for close to 10 minutes. Steve called ADT and I was ready to try to soothe Madeline. (One of the alarms is right outside her room.) Except - she slept through the entire ordeal!

I knew you wouldn't believe it so I grabbed my camera to shoot some video!


The Carrels said...

She slept through all of that?!?!? Amazing!

Is everything fixed with the alarm?

Emily said... I totally know what you mean about kids waking up when the dog barks one time or even just when they hear a car door slam outside. Gabby slept through the entire storm--thunder, lightning, extreme rain pelting her window. Why can't she be like that at naptime?!?! However, I cannot BELIEVE that she would sleep through an alarm like the one you have. Madda, you are a true champion. My niece, Moira, took a nap while her dad and my dad were demo-ing their bathroom--right next door to her room! Sledgehammers, hammers, saws, you name it. I can't even imagine! Our floor will creak and Gabby will be like, "What was that? Is someone there?" Geesh.

Anonymous said...

Please update me. It's been almost 3 weeks and I would love to be able to share new pics of Madda. Love, Your Blog