Thursday, December 27, 2007

Christmas Eve

Christmas Eve we went to my parents house for a nice dinner of soup and crackers. (A tradition) Then we all went to the Christmas Ever service at my parents' church. I got to see my High School Music teacher which was a nice surprise. Madeline was not at all in a good mood and Steve had to come in and out of the service. Luckily we were in the back and the service was only about 40 minutes long. The whole fam.
My dad holding Madeline in beautiful Christmas dress #2. No, my dad isn't a Priest. I'm not entirely sure what he's wearing. O well!

Let the fun begin!

Our Christmas fun Started on Friday when we went out with our friends Tony and Cindy for Tony's birthday. We left little Madeline with my parents for that one though. :) Tony loved his gun cleaning kit (yum) and his Sigmund Freud action figure!
After we had dinner, Steve surprised me by taking me over to the new theater at the mall to see "Atonement." He had worked it out with my mom for Madeline to stay late. We hadn't been to a movie in ages! And even though it cost more than a small car, it was LOTS of fun! We felt like we were on a date!

Saturday - Steve's sister and her family came over for "Christmas." Their son is 2 months younger than Madeline so they had lots of fun destroying the house together. Aunt Beth, Uncle Doug, and Cameron
OOOOH! Look at that Tree! It's shiney - it's full of joy and joyness!!

Madeline donning her new bike helmet. Perfect for her bike trailer on these country roads!

The cutest Christmas Outfit Ever #1.
More pics to come! (Daddy changed the setting on my camera to 230958230498 megapixels so it takes 3 hours for each picture to load. GRR!)

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

They grow up so fast!

We were all playing around in sunroom and then our little diva crawled up on this little bench and played with her phone. I wonder whom she was texting?

Monday, December 17, 2007

Fun in the Snow!

Steve, Madeline, and I had a great time in the snow this weekend! Gramma gave us this ol-timey sled that fit Madeline perfectly! Mom, it is beyond embarassing to have my picture taken with you in that hat!
Daddy is much cooler than mommy!

Adios mama!!

Sunday, December 9, 2007

Day One Done

I was a little (okay a LOT) intimidated by speding a few days in a row alone with Madeline. YES my girlfriends do it all the time, but I haven't - so I am a big weenie. But - it's still scary the first time. I'm used to being able to count on Steve walking in the door at 5:45 and spending boku time with Madeline on the weekends. So, today went really well and she is successfully in bed with no major mishaps!!

Now to clean up all the messes I made!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

First Snow Frolic

Do you see what I see?

Since Madeline and I were housebound for the THIRD day this week, Mommy was desperate! Madeline was very very unhappy this morning, even when I was holding her! I was supposed to spend the day shopping with my mom, but that plan got snowed out. :( Since Madeline doesn't have a "snow suit" I bundled her up in 4 layers of clothing!
Catching flakes on her tongue on the ride to the snow!
Ummmmmmmmmm I'm not sure if I like this or not

Good thing she left tracks or she'd never know which was she came from!

Hive five mom! I did it!