Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Where's the nearest flower??

In honour of my alma mater - Madeline is going to be a little bee on her first Halloween. (Well, her second Halloween, but her first "real" Halloween) Go Yellowjackets!

That reminds me of my all time favourite joke.

There's 2 bees are talking. One it fat the other is quite thin. The skinny bee asks the fat one where he found all the flowers. The fat bee points down the road and says, "There's a bar mitzvah down the road and there are bouquets everywhere!!"
The next day the skinny bee found his friend and said, "Ohhhhh, thanks for the tip! I am so full I may never eat again."
The fat bee replied, " That's great! But...what is that thing on your head?"
"It's a yarmulke. I didn't want them to think I was a Wasp!"


Nate, Kris, Adrianna and Natalie said...

Adorable!!!!! She is so priceless - Adrianna's bee outfit is not so beautiful. :-) HOpe you're feeling okay!!!

Madeline Alexa & Lauren Wells said...

I loe the joke! I will be passing it on...

The costume is adorable. What fun for Hallowen. Hopefully we'll see you & Madda soon, we miss you!

Emily said...

Hardee har har! I don't like bees, but Madda is so cute! She will make me reconsider swatting at them again.